Copy and paste are commands used daily in our phones, but they have not been updated for decades. Clipboard is a native expansion exploring a new way we could be saving and sharing information in our phones.

Copy & Paste
in iOS

Copy & paste has become limited as the use of smartphones grows. The need for sharing multiple pieces of information in smartphones calls for a richer version of copy and paste.

As a New Yorker, I'm often on the go and using my phone for complex tasks, which can become frustrating. I created this native product to explore how sharing could be expanded to meet the needs of current user trends.
1 | Research
2 | Solution
3 | Design Iterations
4 | Prototype
Visual Design

1 | Research

Storyboards / User Flows / Interviews / Diary Studies / Academic Research
Creating a product intended as a native feature means considering broad demographics and designing a highly adoptable solution. To begin, I researched thoroughly to understand and analyze the limitations of copy & paste.
Empathizing through user flows. Here we see the inefficiencies of current copy / paste behavior.
Task: Sharing a quote + the URL of an article in mobile via text
Full Research Doc


2 | Solution

Currently, copy & paste only allows for single item data management - its main limitation in phones. Since touch screen gestures and app views prevent easy transfers of content, our design solution must include multiple item data management.

Clipboard is a new feature built into the native iOS UI that enables users to save and manage multiple items, dramatically reducing the need to change apps so frequently.
User flow demonstrating the benefits of an expanded feature using multiple item management

3 | Design Iterations

Constant feedback from users was key in refining a version of Clipboard that could be adopted by a diverse user base. Each of these iterations was refined through prototyping and testing with users.

My goal was to create a highly intuitive feature that also inspired users to easily think of additional use cases not shown by the prototype.

Here are all the iterations of the Clipboard product:


Shown: A user saving a quote from an article, saving the article link, and then sharing both together with one click.
Clipboard Prototype Gif

User Responses to Clipboard Tests

4 | Conclusion

An intelligent and dynamic expansion of copy and paste could dramatically affect our day to day experience using smartphones, making sharing far more efficient.

Expanding a native feature requires many considerations and thorough testing, but multiple item management is the clear solution for better sharing in mobile. I can see how useful this would be for many users on the go doing complex work in their phones.

Looking forward:
I would love the resources to test Clipboard with a larger audience and work with engineers to create a functional MVP. Still, this study served to show how a native UI could offer better ways for sharing and organizing information.